Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Invisible Energies Behind of Food

  1. When I decide what kind of food I buy, I prefer to have organic food and local production food becuase I thought it would be healthier and environmentally good. However, when I buy food at the glocery store, I would not afford to buy those food every time, so I often choose cheaper one. Price is always matter for me. If I afford to buy organic one, I would buy it. However, regarding to buying fruits and vegetables, mostly I buy those at the Farmers Market which near by my resident because at there I can buy food directly from farmers, and I believe this would be environmentally much less energy compared to buying food at the store. Thus, I would like to say I have environmental consideration, but this concerns often comes after the price. My another concern is health. Good balance of food leads healther body and results of good health, so I often concern balance of food, if I feel I do not eat enough vegetables, I try to take in vegetables.
  2. As I mentioned in the first quesion, I often go to Farmers Market to buy food, then I usually cook food for my self with fresh food, so I could control and exactly know what I take in to my body. Also, I try to have food with less energy. Yesterday, I ate spinachi & bean salada and apple cider at cafe, I often think that the process of my order needs much cost and energy because it has more process to come to me. This is the way how people gain money, but I feel inefficiency of this system. This week's reading "Something Under the Sun", the author says the lack of human ingenuity is the part of the answer regarding to environmental change. It is important to concern development and technology to better off our life, but utilizing our positive human ingenuity, people might need to concern more about fundamental things such as people's health and food.

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